Back to school

We had a Summer filled with great adventures and sad goodbyes. We filled our world traveler cups to the brim. We lived many stories to tell. 

My excuses for not writing at all for a very long time has ranged from not having time to not knowing what to write. A bit of truth and a bit of BS. Either way, sometimes it’s better to not say anything at all.

The start of the school year is a pause to catch my breath. The return to routine is good for everyone. There’s comfort in pressing the restart button on the well oiled machine of life as we know it. 

Second grade and pre-school 3’s are both off to a good start, perhaps highlighted most by the fact that saying goodbye to Mom was last on Ms. Belle’s to do list as she darted into her class this morning.

Summer brings a crazy beautiful freedom. Back to school brings driving through small town America with Rise Against or Foo Fighters or whomever turned up really loud. Doesn’t matter who. As long as it’s not Kids Bop. It brings quiet cups of hot coffee. It brings strolling through Target at leisure. It brings cleaned and tidied things stay that way for longer than 3 minutes. Ha. 

You meet up with friends and neighbors you have not seen for a while and realize just how much everyone’s kids have grown. I wonder how the life we are living will shape my children as they grow older. I wonder how it has shaped me.

In many ways our move to the US has been similar to the process of “growing up”. Moving halfway across the world changes you in ways that you do not expect. It kind of breaks you a little. And then you put yourself back together. But the pieces fit differently. 


One thought on “Back to school

  1. Olga Cronje says:

    Your mother is a master at creating beautiful artworks. Then she takes that, cuts it up, tears it up, dismantles it and creates a new beautiful piece of art. A lesson to be learnt I think for what to do when life happens. x

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